Job Board & ATS Platform



Talo is your all-in-one solution for jobseekers and employers. Talo is here to transform your job search and recruitment process, making it efficient, effective, and seamless for all.

Role: UX Designer/Founder

Project Type: Startup Idea

Duration: 3 months

Talo Background


  • User-Centric Design: : I aimed to create an intuitive platform by understanding user pain points, resulting in an engaging experience for job seekers and employers.
  • Streamlined User Journey: I focused on simplifying job applications, offering personalized recommendations, and ensuring seamless navigation within Talo's ecosystem.
  • Visual Brand and Identity: Infusing Talo with a distinctive visual identity reflected its mission, forging a memorable and recognizable brand.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: Recognizing mobile usage, I ensured Talo's platform was flawlessly responsive and optimized for various devices.
  • Collaboration and Iteration: Beyond design, I actively collaborated with cross-functional teams, refining based on user feedback and platform needs.


The Challenge

The African job market has been plagued by inefficiencies, including the cumbersome job application process for candidates and the resource-intensive hiring process for employers. Job seekers struggled with repetitive data entry and lack of feedback, while employers faced difficulty in identifying the right talent quickly

Design Thinking Process

Understanding The User

User Research

Hearing from the people I'm creating for is the greatest method for me to properly grasp their requirements and motivations. So I questioned ten (10) working persons between the ages of 18 and 65 who have some experience actively searching for jobs. This virtual interaction involved students and professionals, highlighting their diverse backgrounds and career goals. The study aimed to prioritize user-centered design. These conversations revealed a shared desire for meaningful job options and efficient career growth. Beyond time constraints, factors like uncertainties, choices, and commitments emerged as crucial. Through this research, Talo gains valuable insights into the multifaceted needs of job seekers. We're committed to addressing not only time challenges but also deeper concerns, ultimately enhancing the job search journey for everyone.

User's Pain Points

  • Tedious Application Process: Users often face the hassle of repeatedly filling in the same information for different job applications on various platforms.
  • Lack of Feedback: Job seekers rarely receive constructive feedback on their applications, leaving them uncertain about their progress and areas for improvement.
  • Application Tracking Difficulty: Keeping track of multiple job applications across different platforms becomes overwhelming and disorganized.
  • Limited Access to Opportunities: Users struggle to access a wide range of job openings that match their skills and preferences, limiting their chances of finding the right role.
  • Time Constraints: The time-consuming process of manually searching and applying for jobs hinders users from exploring more opportunities.
  • Unreliable Job Matches: Users often receive irrelevant job suggestions that don't align with their qualifications or career goals.

User Persona

Persona is a fictional character created in representing the users that might use the brand product in similar way.

User Journey

Map By analyzing the user journey for streamlining the process of hiring and finding jobs on Talo, I've identified key opportunities to enhance the overall experience. This analysis underscores the importance of developing intuitive features and tools that simplify and expedite the job search and hiring processes, ultimately providing users with a seamless and efficient platform for connecting job seekers with employers..


Wireframes - Paper Sketch

After mapping out the user flow, I started drawing wireframes. To make sure that the components that made it to the digital wireframes adequately addressed the user pain points, several iterations of each screen were created on paper. Hand drawing enables me to visualize how the app will appear. Additionally, it enables me to iterate on a layout efficiently and rapidly.

Wireframes - Digital

Following that, I converted my first sketches to digital wireframes. I then used XD to develop our Lo-Fi wireframes and conduct usability tests with my users.

Talo Low Fidelity Design 2

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