Daniel Babalola

Toronto, Canada

I wear many hats, and they all fit perfectly. As a creative designer and front-end developer, I bridge the gap between aesthetics and functionality. I wield code like a paintbrush, crafting pixel-perfect experiences for both web and app with Html, Css, JavaScript and Flutter. Design software like Figma, Adobe XD, and Photoshop are my playground, where I build captivating visuals and user flows.

I'm a passionate creative problem solver with a knack for crafting beautiful and intuitive web experiences that drive results. As a skilled frontend developer, I write clean, elegant code that builds solid and scalable products. But beyond the code, I'm driven by a desire to understand user needs and create solutions that make their lives easier. Whether it's designing a seamless job search platform like Talo or streamlining food delivery through Belleful, I thrive on the challenge of turning complex problems into delightful experiences.

I'm also a student and aspiring techpreneur, constantly pushing myself to learn and grow. In my free time, I channel my creativity into graphic design, crafting eye-catching posters and flyers. My passion for design and tech extends beyond the screen, too - I'm always seeking opportunities to build companies and make a positive impact on the world.

Juggling tasks effortlessly, I thrive under pressure, dedicated to continuous learning and self-improvement. Communication is my superpower, building strong relationships for optimal outcomes.

This is me - a pixel alchemist, problem solver, and passionate human. Ready to paint your digital canvas, solve challenges, and make a positive impact, one pixel at a time.

What I Do

Web Design

Web Design

Web Design

Motion Graphics

Web Design

UI/UX Design

Web Design

App Development

Web Design

Graphics Design

Web Design


What I Use

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